Nicolas Schenk

Nicolas Schenk

member of academic staff

Curriculum Vitae

Bachelor's degree (BA) at the University of Trier in the subjects English Language, Literature and Linguistics (main subject) and History (minor subject)

2014 - 2017: Master's degree in "Digital Humanities" at the University of Trier

Since 10/2017: Master of Science in Digital Humanities

05/2015 - 04/2018: research assistant at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities

Participation in the project "Lehren und Lernen im Virtuellen Museum – Digitale Geisteswissenschaften innovativ vermittelt"

05/2018 - 12/2021: research assistant in the project Digital Marburg Büchner Edition (MBA digital)

Committee work, research groups and memberships

2015 - 2016: student member of the Senate Commission for Scientific Information Supply and Infrastructure

2016: student member of the appointment committee W3 professorship Digital Humanities at the University of Trier

Since 2019: member of the ITUG Advisory Board (International TUSTEP User Group)


Sabine Seifert, Nicolas Schenk: Pre-printed parts: Letterheads and forms. In: Encoding Correspondence. A Manual for Encoding Letters and Postcards in TEI-XML and DTABf. Edited by Stefan Dumont, Susanne Haaf, and Sabine Seifert. Berlin 2019–2020. URL:


MBA Digital. Retrodigitalisierung der Historisch-kritischen Marburger Büchner-Ausgabe. 26. ITUG-Jahrestagung. 27.09.2019.


WS 2019/2020: Ergänzende Themen der Digital Humanities: Die MBA Digital (Seminar)

SS 2020: Zwei Gastvorträge im Seminar Digitale Objekte: Edition und Publikation.